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Read the text and use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that

fits in the space in the same line.


 The easy life?


It is easy to assume that life as a top sports star is both easy

and glamorous. But this is to completely (1) ...………......……… the                       UNDERSTAND

reality of what goes on behind the scenes. From a very early

age athletes must be absolutely (2) ...………......……… to their sport.                      COMMIT

But (3) ...………......……… on its own is not enough – they need to                        DETERMINE

be fiercely (4) ...………......……… in order to succeed, and must                            AMBITION

never allow themselves to be (5) ...………......……… by setbacks.                          COURAGE

Successful sports stars can, of course, become very wealthy,

in (6) ...………......……… to being world-famous, but can be at a                            ADD

severe (7) ...………......……… in their social development. It is therefore                 ADVANTAGE

important to (8) ...………......……… that they receive a reasonably                          SURE

balanced upbringing and to (9) ...………......……… their experience                        BROAD

beyond the daily grind of practice and competition in order

to (10) ...………......……… them to deal with the constant pressures                        ABLE

that success can bring.



1 misunderstand

2 committed

3 determination

4 ambitious

5 discouraged

6 addition

7 disadvantage

8 ensure

9 broaden

10 enable

Категорія: Мои статьи | Додав: znoenglish (24.04.2009)
Переглядів: 2440 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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